To make reservations or to check the prices of HOTELS, AIRFARES, and CAR RENTALS, please use their links on the menu above (or sidebar menu if using a small screen device).
Use the search box for worldwide listings such as city information. Try terms such as as the city name. On the search page, there is an option to narrow your search with the "Filter by categories" option. You can apply any of our 50+ categories to further narrow down your search. Especially, if looking for a city, you can choose the first option which is "Cities, Towns, Villages" or simply "Locations" which includes all of the populated location subcategories.
Most cell phones and computers that have voice features activated will allow you to easily enter search terms in our search box. It has the added advantage of usually using the correct spelling for a city or other destination.
Or, use our GeoLocate Me radius search feature to find what is currently located in a radius around your location.
With the GeoLocate function, you can easily do a radius search to find nearby cities. And, from there, you can narrow down your radius search to places such as hotels, museums, parks, and so on.
Of course, for GeoLocate to work, "Share your location" needs to be enabled on your device.